Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Talking with the Candidates: Burseth Edition

I sent the following email to Tyler Kristopeit and Jay Burseth recently:

I've been getting a lot of flak from PTJers for not giving the two of you a fair chance to go head to head so I thought I'd send these questions out to you. You can share them with your VPs, but I think we all know they're just pretty faces without any real ideas.

Well, it looks like Jay Burseth as one testicle and wrote me back. Here's what he had to say:

1. Why is America the greatest?
- America is the greatest because it gives opportunities to all its citizens and makes it so someone like me, a lower working class youth, the possibility of becoming the Student President of a University. While this nation has it's problems, I hope to see it flourish by giving everyone the opportunity to have equal rights to education, health care, employment, and other possibilities which would eliminate the problems that plague us like poverty, war, and de facto segregation.

RH: Yes Jay, we do have equal rights to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps.

2. How will you represent people whose ideology differs from yours?
- My goal as UWM SA President would be to hear the voices of all the students, no matter what their ideology or background, equally. I would represent those with opposing ideologies in the same way I would represent those I ally myself with, in a way that is democratic and just.

RH: Ok, so you'll hear all their voices, but I'm concerned that you'll ignore the wrongs ones.

3. What salary are you offering me to be your press secretary?
- When elected into the Executive Branch, I will be taking resumes and applications from everyone in an equal manner. I cannot promise you a position in the branch, but I will accept your resume. I also cannot promise you or anyone else who applies for any position (myself included) a salary. Further, I have not come to the conclusion whether or not a Press Secretary would be a necessity for our government.

RH: Here's my resume: panthertalkjive.blogspot.com I require at least $14/hr.

4. How will you keep gay marriage off campus?
- I welcome gay marriage. In fact, I will work to give same sex partners the right to have the benefits as other married staff and faculty.

RH: You better not try to gay marry me while I'm in class!

5. How has the liberal elite media (UWM Post) been treating you?

- The UWM Post has been incredibly professional and I look forward to working with them in the future.

RH: By professional you mean that they've been giving you a soft ball questions all along. Typical liberals.

6. Who would you bring to Panthfest 2009?
- I haven't put too much effort into coming with a list of performers, but off the top of my head I'd like to see Street Sweeper Social Club, Rise Against, Against Me, and/or Sage Francis. But, ideally, I would like to open that discussion up for more students at UWM.

RH: Well I don't think any of those are on the radio so they probably suck. The correct answer to this question was DMB opening for Phish. You failed.

7. Sound off. What do you want to leave PTJers thinking about?
- I would just like to say that I believe I am the best candidate for SA because I believe in a government that is truly for, by, and of the students and I would put every ounce of my energy into making this a reality. The opportunity for a book rental program is also a main initiative I'd push forcefully.

RH: Lame

Well, that's what we got from Jay Burseth. Pretty boring if you ask me. Now where's that Kristo response?

RH Out!

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