I am irate! Is it seriously the second day of the election and the Hippies aren't bellyaching about being kicked off the ballot!? Grove Stove, I thought you had this one handled! WTF Mate?
Look at this picture. I once admired everyone in this photo, but now I don't know if I can say that anymore. On the left (no pun intended, but Bahr is Pelosi-loving Democrat) we have the successful Daniel V(ictorious) Bahr. On the right and center we have two people who have failed to drop these damn hippies from the ballot! Tyler, this was your job!
This lack of leadership leaves me no choice...
VOTE Heidrich 2009-2012!
That's right folks, I'm officially announcing my candidacy as a write in for both President and Vice President for the new 3 year term that I will be implementing with an iron fist. The campaign starts now! Email your fellow PTJ Patriots (our new street team) and get them to intimidate their friends into voting for me.
It's going to be a great 3 years...
RH Vote!
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