Thursday, April 16, 2009

Julio Guerreo is an Asshole

Look, I love everyone, but Julio Guerrerero is a fucking asshole! When will this "I lost the SA Elections and need to remind you of it" shit stop!? I know, I know, Julio, "shredded votes," "kicked off the ballot," "Scott should have been VP," "I'm a liberal commie." I've heard all of your whiny rants and I'm just tired of them!.

So please stop posting these fucking articles on facebook from the website about the Radical Hippie Mouthpiece not getting their little pieces of paper from the SA.

Listen Julio, anyone can come up with 147 pages and turn them into J.B. Van Hollen ("Justice Bitches Van Hollen?), but that doesn't mean this is newsworthy or I would have seen it on Panther Talk Live.

RH Out!

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