Wednesday, February 3, 2010

You've Let Me Down PTJ Patriots

Despite all of your adulation over the past year, when I really needed you, you let me down. I've spent the months since my last post in October seeking a new purpose in life. My main man Kyle D. shut his blog down after criticism about something he posted when he had one too many sips of the "honesty tonic" at Buckhead's. I tried reading Johanan Raatz, but it just wasn't the same. Raatz used words I needed to look up and didn't have that same warm gritty "I'm gonna tell ya 'bout my cuntry" feeling I got from the old Panther Talk Live.

I had buried Panther Talk Live in my backyard next to my old dog Whiskey, but it seems the ghost of UWM-past is revisiting us. Today I just found Kyle has found a new home with WISN 12. Kyle's recent post, eloquently titled "UW Students on crack?", gave me that old fuzzy feeling. Kyle is taking on the issue of $100 a class. Kyle noted: "My first reaction was that these people are idiots, and don't live in the real world." Kyle's right, in even moderate fantasy lands students pay just over $3,000 to go to school. Note that these fantasy lands would have a massive GDP, incomparable to say...Maryland. Their professors are all about teaching and they don't have to deal with Chancellor Santiago. In this crazy $100 a class world Russel Scott could be a student forever. Jay Burseth must be smokin' something.

But this is all beside the point. As much as I've been itchin' for a fix since Kyle deserted the internet, I don't think I can go back to my old habits. All I can offer you is this: my cousin, Goddard Remschel. Obviously our family has deep and not so deep roots to the Fatherland so watch out. I'm going to let Goddard introduce himself. Maybe I'll pop back in once in a while or maybe I'll leave in a montage of American flags, sunsets, and soaring eagles. Fuck it, maybe both.

PTJ Lives!

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