Big surprise. He did it again.
Self-destructed in the final moments of the game, just when his team needed him the most. Just when you thought he had changed his game, he exposed his Achilles' Heel.
They were one touchdown away from being one game away from being one game away from being one victory away from being the champions of American football...but he fumbled the ball to the other team for a winning touchdown. I know the excuses. It was an illegal hit. The offensive line had been terrible all game. The whole team shared the loss. But we all know the ball was in his hands with the game on the line, and he blew it.
We could spend another long off-season second-guessing what could have been, hoping for another chance next year, and generally not being happy for the successes we've had. Instead, I offer all my fellow Cheeseheads this Packers Quiz, as a tribute to a better than average season. Test your fandom! Test your wits!
#1: You attended a Packers game this year.
Y N (Circle one)
#2: You attended a Packers game this year, and the tickets were provided by someone who works for UWM.
Y N (Circle one)
#3: You attended a Packers game this year, the tickets were provided by someone who works for UWM, and you are a UWM Student Association senator.
Y N (Circle one)
#4: You attended a Packers game, tickets were provided by a UWM employee, you are an SA senator, and you voted to give student funds to the department for which said employee works.
Y N (Circle one)
If you answered 'Y' to all four questions, you are a super fan! If you voted 'N' don't worry; you can use the off-season to rest and re-tool and get ready for next season's SFC funding! Whoo Hoo! Sunday night par-tay!
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