Wednesday, February 18, 2009

PTJ Feedback

Reaction to my blog has been amazing! Thanks all you PTJ fans out there! I just wanted to share some excerpts from the emails I've received:

"You nailed it right on the head! Tommy really is a smelly idiot head" - Tommy Hughes' dad

"I'm glad we could finally get some hard hitting straight jive on the student government from someone who knows their straight jive" - Julio Guerrero, ASAP loser

"This student government needs some hippie bongo drumming, meet me at the beach at midnight on a full moon!" - Carlo Albano, hippie

"I'm concerned about this straight jive, I may have to rewrite some bylaws to stop this" - Tyler Draheim, President

"I am utterly confused by the student government's lack of transparency, separation of powers, and basic respect for democracy" - Dan Lungar, Student (probably hippie)

RH Out!

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