Kyle Duerstein rode into the emergency Senate meeting last night on his white stallion (or so I imagine) last night to rid the SA of Jay Burseth once and for all. If Burseth had a horse, things would've been taken care of like the SA Constitution states: medieval jousting on horseback. Unfortunately Burseth's working class status keeps him from owning a horse so the Senate took a vote to impeach him.
I know we're all elated at this move (even if disappointed by the missed opportunity to see Kyle in his suit of shining armor), but I've run into something extremely disturbing.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel covered the story online, but with one glaring omission. ME!
Where the hell is Panther Talk Jive? My link deserves to be right there at the bottom too! Who has emoted more than me with unrivaled eloquence on Kyle's greatness and rightness? Who has weighed into the depths of the Burseth/Zahorik commie conspiracy more than I?
Well Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, you're on my shit list.
Heidrich Ignored!
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