Saturday, March 6, 2010

Steaming pile of crap.

We're saved! The Duer is back in ACTION!

Morons beware, The Duer knows a "steaming pile of crap" when he sees one!

Wait a minute...

Nevermind. This is some kind of forgery. I thought I was reading some straight up panther talk live. It sounds like The Duer. It looks like The Duer. But The Duer would never give his name to some elitist liberal media commies like ABC.

And no way The Duer would say "It's nice that they hold a rally protesting against higher tuition. I agree with them, the cost of tuition is rising at a rate that is nearly out of control." This article was probably planted by the SDS or the ACLU or the College Dems. They had me going for a minute. Sneaky morons.

This is defamation!!

The PTJ legal team will be looking into this immediately.

Somebody call The Duer. It's time to take back our country.

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