Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Kyle's pen graduates as part of Class of '10?

The SA election results are in, and it's worse than we'd feared.

I searched far and wide, but I couldn't find The Duer's name anywhere. Does this mean that he has finally hung up his pen? That his only weapon against socialist tyranny will be the blogosphere?

Capitalism is under attack, and we need The Duer more now than at any other time in the last seven years.

Kyle, if you're just waiting for an invitation, consider it issued.

If you're just waiting for your legions of fans to chant "Kie - ull! Kie - ull!" before you come back on for your third encore, consider the chant underway!!

Kyle, you are being drafted.
The free market needs you.

Grab Old Glory.

And don't forget that pen.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Jay Burseth Grew a Testicle?

You've got to see this! The headline of that article reads "BREAKING NEWS: Student government elections cancelled" when it should really "Jay Burseth Finally Grew a Testicle."

I'm not in the habit of reading news articles, but I think assumptions are just as good as reading. Since Jay Burseth is the president of the Student Association, he must have finally figured out how things round around the SA and cancelled the election in an effort to maintain control.

Master stroke Burseth.

I never thought Jay had it in him to manhandle the student body like it so deserves. Apparently Kyle Duerstein's persistance has paid off and Jay finally sees the light. The few liberals remaining in the govt. might organize a drum circle to protest Burseth's pragmatic move, but they will ultimately tire, realizing they have little rhythm and a lot of papers to finish.

Congratulations Burseth. You are now entitled to at least two more years of an undergraduate career, which previously could have been cut drastically short by graduation.