Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Hold on to the seat of your toilet because ohhhhh boy do I got some breaking news for you! looks like Kyle beat me to the punch over at Panther Talk Jive. Well, now you know. Helen Marmachev has vacated her position. I never did receive word if she took Kyle's advice to change her "bitchy demeanor and shitty anti-student practices."

I think Kyle and I deserve Pulitzers because we're so fucking eloquent, don't you?

Send me your thoughts on the subject:

RH Out!

Saturday, June 20, 2009


This just in:

Kyle Duerstein is back with a vengeance!

He's going to call you hippies out.

Get over it.

Now this.


I hope you've all been checking out Panther Talk Live because KJD is back at it!

First off, he's confirmed one of my long standing suspicions that the man formerly known as Jay Burseth is actually named Jay Guevara-Burseth (JGB) and he's a dangerous revolutionary on our campus. You know what that means Kyle? You need to hunt Guevara-Burseth down in the Downer Woods with UWM S.A.F.E. staff and take him to whatever dank remote place Russell Scott has been occupying on campus. Take your cues from the U.S. govt. on what to do with a Guevara...or just leave him with Russell, that's terrifying enough.

Now Kyle points out that JGB has a new blog ( Kyle accurately points out the level of quality in this order: Panther Talk Live>Panther Talk Jive>Photos of dead babies> UWM Post> Jay Guevara-Burseth's blog. KJD astutely points out that the past administration played a few pranks with a dead bird, some paper, and photos...oh yeah, and shredded almost every piece of paper in the S.A. They're just recycling all of those old governing documents, records, and evidence of crime! I thought you'd like that "green" shit hippies! When life gives you heaps of shredded official documents, you make compost.

Again, Kyle points out that these whiny hippies can just look at the UWM website for the pdfs of these documents. That's how our founding fathers did it and that's how we do it at UWM commies!

Now about the dead bird. Kyle explained this pretty clearly:
Who plans on finding a dead bird in a freezer? I mean, come on. Best idea, no. Adult decision, probably not.

I got your back Kyle. No one's ever accused the outgoing administration of being adults and the Guevara-Burseth crowd better not start or we'll be pissed!

At the end of the day, you're all idiots!

RH Summer VAKAY!